
division of pulmonary

  • 杜克大学医学院肺病-呼吸科在全美排名第一,拥有哮喘、肺动脉高压、间质性肺炎等疾病领域的世界权威医生。
  • 具有四家医院三个门诊场所,重症病房的医疗服务综合了杜克大学医学院多学科专家优势资源。
  • 对肺癌、呼吸道疾病和胸膜疾病采用先进的诊断和治疗技术。
  • 开展以下技术项目:支气管超声、电磁导航支气管镜检查、荧光支气管镜检查、光动力治疗(PDT)、支气管内热疗(激光和电灼)、冷冻疗法、内照射放疗和支架植入等。
  • 同时开展呼吸内科康复计划,是美国心血管和肺部康复协会(AACVPR)长期成员。


division development

  • 人 员


  • 技 术


  • 器 械


更多信息,请访问 https://medicine.duke.edu/divisions/pulmonary-allergy-and-critical-care-medicine/patient-care


visiting observer program

       目前,已和eimageglobal Inc.就医生进修访学达成合作,为具有相应资历和经验基础的临床医生提供前往杜克进行肺科领域短期进修和学习的机会。访学时长为2-4周。访问期间,学员将参加专家门诊带教、支气管镜实习观察操作、教学多学科病案讨论、临床查房和会诊等临床工作,全面学习、了解国外先进诊疗方式和规范的操作流程,提升自身临床医学水平,获得世界前沿的领先技术。同时访学经历有助于评职晋升(对任职、评职称、申请研究课题有重要指导意义)。

学术成就 Publications

  • Durack, J, Lynch, SV, Nariya, S, Bhakta, NR, Beigelman, A, Castro, M, Dyer, A-M, Israel, E, Kraft, M, Martin, RJ, Mauger, DT, Rosenberg, SR, Sharp-King, T, White, SR, Woodruff, PG, Avila, PC, Denlinger, LC, Holguin, F, Lazarus, SC, Lugogo, N, Moore, WC, Peters, SP, Que, L, Smith, LJ, Sorkness, CA, Wechsler, ME, Wenzel, SE, Boushey, HA, Huang, YJ, National Heart, and Lung and Blood Institute's “AsthmaNet”, . "Features of the bronchial bacterial microbiome associated with atopy, asthma, and responsiveness to inhaled corticosteroid treatment." The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 140, no. 1 (July 2017): 63-75.
  • Winnica, D, Que, LG, Baffi, C, Grasemann, H, Fiedler, K, Yang, Z, Etling, E, Wasil, K, Wenzel, SE, Freeman, B, and Holguin, F. "l-citrulline prevents asymmetric dimethylarginine-mediated reductions in nitric oxide and nitrosative stress in primary human airway epithelial cells."Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology 47, no. 2 (February 2017): 190-199.
  • He, M, Driehuys, B, Que, LG, and Huang, Y-CT. "Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI to Quantify the Pulmonary Ventilation Distribution." Academic radiology 23, no. 12 (December 2016): 1521-1531.
  • Ray, S, Chiba, N, Yao, C, Guan, X, McConnell, AM, Brockway, B, Que, L, McQualter, JL, and Stripp, BR. "Rare SOX2+ Airway Progenitor Cells Generate KRT5+ Cells that Repopulate Damaged Alveolar Parenchyma following Influenza Virus Infection." Stem cell reports 7, no. 5 (November 2016): 817-825.
  • Baffi, CW, Wood, L, Winnica, D, Strollo, PJ, Gladwin, MT, Que, LG, and Holguin, F. "Metabolic Syndrome and the Lung." Chest 149, no. 6 (June 2016): 1525-1534. (Review)
  • Ingram, JL, Slade, D, Church, TD, Francisco, D, Heck, K, Sigmon, RW, Ghio, M, Murillo, A, Firszt, R, Lugogo, NL, Que, L, Sunday, ME, and Kraft, M. "Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1 and -2 in Interleukin-13-Suppressed Elastin in Airway Fibroblasts in Asthma." American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 54, no. 1 (January 2016): 41-50.
  • Mehta, K, Soderblom, EJ, Thompson, JW, Que, LG, Marshall, HE, Moseley, MA, and Foster, MW."Targeted proteomics for unraveling the post-translational regulation of human nitric oxide synthase 2." Nitric Oxide 42C (November 15, 2014): 132-.
  • Ledford, JG, Addison, KJ, Foster, MW, and Que, LG. "Eosinophil-associated lung diseases. A cry for surfactant proteins A and D help?." American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 51, no. 5 (November 2014): 604-614. (Review)
  • Castro, M, King, TS, Kunselman, SJ, Cabana, MD, Denlinger, L, Holguin, F, Kazani, SD, Moore, WC, Moy, J, Sorkness, CA, Avila, P, Bacharier, LB, Bleecker, E, Boushey, HA, Chmiel, J, Fitzpatrick, AM, Gentile, D, Hundal, M, Israel, E, Kraft, M, Krishnan, JA, LaForce, C, Lazarus, SC, Lemanske, R, Lugogo, N, Martin, RJ, Mauger, DT, Naureckas, E, Peters, SP, Phipatanakul, W, Que, LG, Sheshadri, A, Smith, L, Solway, J, Sullivan-Vedder, L, Sumino, K, Wechsler, ME, Wenzel, S, White, SR, and Sutherland, ER et al. "Effect of vitamin D3 on asthma treatment failures in adults with symptomatic asthma and lower vitamin D levels: the VIDA randomized clinical trial." JAMA 311, no. 20 (May 2014): 2083-2091.
  • Catania, J, Que, LG, Govert, JA, Hollingsworth, JW, and Wolfe, CR. "High intensive care unit admission rate for 2013-2014 influenza is associated with a low rate of vaccination."American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 189, no. 4 (February 2014): 485-487. (Letter)
  • Foster, MW, Thompson, JW, Que, LG, Yang, IV, Schwartz, DA, Moseley, MA, and Marshall, HE."Proteomic analysis of human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after subsgemental exposure." J Proteome Res 12, no. 5 (May 3, 2013): 2194-2205.
  • Foster, MW, Yang, Z, Gooden, DM, Thompson, JW, Ball, CH, Turner, ME, Hou, Y, Pi, J, Moseley, MA, and Que, LG. "Proteomic characterization of the cellular response to nitrosative stress mediated by s-nitrosoglutathione reductase inhibition." J Proteome Res 11, no. 4 (April 6, 2012): 2480-2491.
  • Wang, Y, Zhu, Z, Church, TD, Lugogo, NL, Que, LG, Francisco, D, Ingram, JL, Huggins, M, Beaver, DM, Wright, JR, and Kraft, M. "SHP-1 as a critical regulator of Mycoplasma pneumoniae-induced inflammation in human asthmatic airway epithelial cells." J Immunol 188, no. 7 (April 1, 2012): 3371-3381.
  • Yang, IV, Tomfohr, J, Singh, J, Foss, CM, Marshall, HE, Que, LG, McElvania-Tekippe, E, Florence, S, Sundy, JS, and Schwartz, DA. "The clinical and environmental determinants of airway transcriptional profiles in allergic asthma." Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185, no. 6 (March 15, 2012): 620-627.
  • Que, LG, and Janssen-Heininger, Y. "Biochemistry of asthma." Biochim Biophys Acta 1810, no. 11 (November 2011): 1007-.
  • Que, LG, Stiles, JV, Sundy, JS, and Foster, WM. "Pulmonary function, bronchial reactivity, and epithelial permeability are response phenotypes to ozone and develop differentially in healthy humans." J Appl Physiol (1985) 111, no. 3 (September 2011): 679-687.
  • Norfolk, SG, Hollingsworth, CL, Wolfe, CR, Govert, JA, Que, LG, Cheifetz, IM, and Hollingsworth, JW. "Rescue therapy in adult and pediatric patients with pH1N1 influenza infection: a tertiary center intensive care unit experience from April to October 2009." Crit Care Med 38, no. 11 (November 2010): 2103-2107.
  • Huang, Y-CT, Schmitt, M, Yang, Z, Que, LG, Stewart, JC, Frampton, MW, and Devlin, RB. "Gene expression profile in circulating mononuclear cells after exposure to ultrafine carbon particles." Inhal Toxicol 22, no. 10 (August 2010): 835-846.
  • Choudhry, S, Que, LG, Yang, Z, Liu, L, Eng, C, Kim, SO, Kumar, G, Thyne, S, Chapela, R, Rodriguez-Santana, JR, Rodriguez-Cintron, W, Avila, PC, Stamler, JS, and Burchard, EG. "GSNO reductase and beta2-adrenergic receptor gene-gene interaction: bronchodilator responsiveness to albuterol." Pharmacogenet Genomics 20, no. 6 (June 2010): 351-358.
  • Wahidi, MM, Silvestri, GA, Coakley, RD, Ferguson, JS, Shepherd, RW, Moses, L, Conforti, J, Que, LG, Anstrom, KJ, McGuire, F, Colt, H, and Downie, GH. "A prospective multicenter study of competency metrics and educational interventions in the learning of bronchoscopy among new pulmonary fellows." Chest 137, no. 5 (May 2010): 1040-1049.
  • Que, LG, Yang, Z, Stamler, JS, Lugogo, NL, and Kraft, M. "S-nitrosoglutathione reductase: an important regulator in human asthma." Am J Respir Crit Care Med 180, no. 3 (August 1, 2009): 226-231.
  • Chudgar, SM, Cox, CE, Que, LG, Andolsek, K, Knudsen, NW, and Clay, AS. "Current teaching and evaluation methods in critical care medicine: has the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education affected how we practice and teach in the intensive care unit?."Crit Care Med 37, no. 1 (January 2009): 49-60.
  • Lugogo, NL, Ginsburg, GS, and Que, LG. "Genetic profiling and tailored therapy in asthma: are we there yet?." Curr Opin Mol Ther 9, no. 6 (December 2007): 528-537. (Review)
  • Whalen, EJ, Foster, MW, Matsumoto, A, Ozawa, K, Violin, JD, Que, LG, Nelson, CD, Benhar, M, Keys, JR, Rockman, HA, Koch, WJ, Daaka, Y, Lefkowitz, RJ, and Stamler, JS. "Regulation of beta-adrenergic receptor signaling by S-nitrosylation of G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2." Cell 129, no. 3 (May 4, 2007): 511-522.
  • Clay, AS, Que, L, Petrusa, ER, Sebastian, M, and Govert, J. "Debriefing in the intensive care unit: a feedback tool to facilitate bedside teaching." Crit Care Med 35, no. 3 (March 2007): 738-754.
  • Clay, AS, Que, LG, Govert, JA, and Andolsek, KM. ""A rose by any other name"? Toward a common terminology in simulation education and assessment [6]." Critical Care Medicine 35, no. 9 (2007): 2238--.
  • Que, LG, Liu, L, Yan, Y, Whitehead, GS, Gavett, SH, Schwartz, DA, and Stamler, JS. "Protection from experimental asthma by an endogenous bronchodilator." Science 308, no. 5728 (June 10, 2005): 1618-1621.
  • Liu, L, Yan, Y, Zeng, M, Zhang, J, Hanes, MA, Ahearn, G, McMahon, TJ, Dickfeld, T, Marshall, HE, Que, LG, and Stamler, JS. "Essential roles of S-nitrosothiols in vascular homeostasis and endotoxic shock." Cell 116, no. 4 (February 20, 2004): 617-628.
  • Yu, Q, Que, LG, and Rockey, DC. "Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to nonparenchymal cells in normal and injured liver." Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 282, no. 3 (March 2002): G565-G572.
  • Que, LG, George, SE, Gotoh, T, Mori, M, and Huang, Y-CT. "Effects of arginase isoforms on NO Production by nNOS." Nitric Oxide 6, no. 1 (February 2002): 1-8.
  • Yu, Q, Que, LG, and Rockey, DC. "Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to nonparenchymal cells in normal and injured liver." American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 282, no. 3 45-3 (2002): G565-G572.
  • Liu, L, Hausladen, A, Zeng, M, Que, L, Heitman, J, and Stamler, JS. "A metabolic enzyme for S-nitrosothiol conserved from bacteria to humans." Nature 410, no. 6827 (March 22, 2001): 490-494.
  • Liu, L, Hausladen, A, Zeng, M, Que, L, Heitman, J, Stamler, JS, and Steverding, D. "Nitrosative stress: protection by glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase." Redox Rep 6, no. 4 (2001): 209-210.
  • Que, LG, and Tony Huang, YC. "Pharmacologic adjuncts during mechanical ventilation."Semin Respir Crit Care Med 21, no. 3 (2000): 223-232.
  • Lau, CL, Bentley, RC, Gockerman, JP, Que, LG, and D'Amico, TA. "Malignant melanoma presenting as a mediastinal mass." Ann Thorac Surg 67, no. 3 (March 1999): 851-852.
  • Que, LG. "Ask the expert." Asthma Magazine 4, no. 5 (1999): 26--.
  • Que, LG, Kantrow, SP, Jenkinson, CP, Piantadosi, CA, and Huang, YC. "Induction of arginase isoforms in the lung during hyperoxia." Am J Physiol 275, no. 1 Pt 1 (July 1998): L96-102.
  • Que, LG, Kang, BH, Huang, YC, Piantadosi, CA, and Chang, LY. "Anti-intercellular adhesion molecule-1 antibody and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 gene deficiency do not prevent pulmonary neutrophil recruitment in polymicrobial sepsis." Shock 9, no. 4 (April 1998): 304-309.
  • Carraway, MS, Welty-Wolf, KE, Kantrow, SP, Huang, YC, Simonson, SG, Que, LG, Kishimoto, TK, and Piantadosi, CA. "Antibody to E- and L-selectin does not prevent lung injury or mortality in septic baboons." Am J Respir Crit Care Med 157, no. 3 Pt 1 (March 1998): 938-949.
  • Que, LG, Kantrow, SP, Jenkinson, CP, Piantadosi, CA, and Huang, Y-CT. "Induction of arginase isoforms in the lung during hyperoxia." American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 275, no. 1 19-1 (1998): L96-L102.
  • Carraway, MS, Welty-Wolf, KE, Kantrow, SP, Huang, Y-CT, Simonson, SG, Que, LG, Kishimoto, TK, and Piantadosi, CA. "Antibody to E- and L-selectin does not prevent lung injury or mortality in septic baboons." American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 157, no. 3 I (1998): 938-949.
  • 个性化定制学习培训方案


  • 一对一带教能力建设


  • 权威专家领衔,临床观摩机会


  • 适合人群

    1. 业务能力强、有事业心的中青年医学专业技术人员
    2. 重点培养的临床学科技术骨干
    3. 希望完成海外留学梦想的在职医生,通过国外进修获得有价值的经历的专业技术人员
  • 申请条件

    1. 学历背景:本科及以上学历
    2. 工作经验:具备一定的临床工作经验(针对临床学习的医生)
    3. 语言能力:具备较好的外语基础,能用英语进行有效的专业沟通与交流。取得CET-6证书或CET-6成绩425分以上、PETS4证书、有雅思、托福成绩者优先考虑